Screening of compounds in tire wear road run off: A Nordic study

Publication Year2024
PublisherNordic Council of Ministers
Report Homepage
Publication IdentifierTemaNord 2024:525
ISBN978-92-893-7861-1 (PDF)
978-92-893-7862-8 (ONLINE)


Tire related additive chemicals can leach out and enter the environment. Road run-off and recipient waters are particularly prone to contamination by these chemicals, though data from large screening studies is lacking. Here, we present data from water (road run-off & recipients, atmospheric deposition (rain), snow), sediment (marine, snow dumping sites) and biota (blue mussels) samples collected in the Nordic countries. The aim of this study was to provide a first assessment of the presence of tire related chemicals in road run-off and associated samples in the Nordic countries. Tire related additive chemicals were detected in 85 out of 87 samples, with varying concentrations depending on the sample type and location.